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Achievement objective LW 6-2

Students will:

  • investigate the impact of natural events and human actions on a New Zealand ecosystem.


  • Processes before-and-after data for an event, or compares data from an ecosystem affected by an event/human action with data from an unaffected ecosystem.
  • Identifies from data the biotic or abiotic factors responsible for changes to organisms in a New Zealand ecosystem.
  • Suggests flow-on effects of an event for other organisms in the ecosystem.
  • Compares the relative effects of different human actions on similar ecosystems.

Possible context elaborations

  • Field observations from local bird sanctuaries or other wildlife conservation areas vs. historical data on animal population size and diversity.
  • Forests in the Coromandel before and after kauri logging.
  • Contents of a marine area before and after establishment of a marine reserve.
  • Two beech forest ecosystems with different possum control programmes.
  • Impact of ferry wake on a coastal ecosystem.
  • Visit a museum to compare historical photos, data, or descriptions with current evidence from a local ecosystem.
  • How has riparian planting affected our school stream over the last 10 years?
  • Why could my koro, when young, collect many large crayfish while I can only find a few small ones in the same area?
  • Is an off-shore island as effective as a fenced sanctuary in conserving toutouwai?

Assessment for qualifications

At the time of publication, achievement standards were in development to align them with The New Zealand Curriculum. Please ensure that you are using the correct version of the standards by going to the NZQA website.

The NZQA subject-specific resources pages are very helpful. From there, you can find all the achievement standards and links to assessment resources, both internal and external.

Learn more with NZQA subject resources for:

Aligned level 1 achievement standards were registered for use in 2011 and level 2 for use in 2012; level 3 for use in 2013.

Learning described by this objective could be assessed using one or more of these achievement standards:

  • science AS90951 1.12
  • biology AS90925 1.1, AS90926 1.2

Last updated September 15, 2020
