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Examples of broad contextual themes

Examples of broad contextual themes that could be built into mathematics and statistics programmes.

  • The broad contextual themes provide a range of teaching and learning activities and ideas that could be used as a basis for a learning programme in year 11 or as supporting activities and ideas.
  • Many examples of teaching and learning activities or ideas are given, from which teachers could select activities that best meet the needs of the students in their class/school. In addition, teachers could select teaching and learning activities that they currently use, or source others that would meet student needs and are within the broad contextual focus.
  • Each broad thematic context has a list of possible achievement objectives that activities from within the theme link to; the choice of which will depend on the teaching and learning activities selected.
  • Some achievement objectives could be summatively assessed directly through achievement or unit standards; others could be assessed through in-class formative or summative assessment. Not all achievement objectives need to be assessed.

Contextual themes

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Last updated March 1, 2012
