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Japanese context elaborations

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Achievement objectives

AOs: L6

AOs: L7

AOs: L8


Cook Islands Māori


Gagana Sāmoa





Vagahau Niue



Assessment for qualifications:

Japanese L8: Example 3

Example 3: Response to blog entry


ちきゅうのおんだんか — global warming

せきゆ — oil

かんきょう — environment

来年、ニュージーランドでラグビーワールドカップをすることになっている。だからせかい中からたくさんの人が しあいを見に来ると思う。

ぼくにとって一番(いちばん)しんぱいなことは、 ちきゅうのおんだんかだ。せかい中のラグビーのファンが、ニュージーランド

まで ひこうきで来ると、せきゆをたくさん使って、にさんかたんそ(CO2)をたくさん出すことになる。


かんきょうをまもるために、1人1人がみんな せきにんをとらなければならない。色々な国の人が あつまることはいいことだが、かんきょうのことも かんがえた方がいい。

Context and text type

Ben is reading a response to his recent blog entry.

Text type

Informal writing. Receptive.

Observations a student might make concerning:

Information, ideas, and opinions communicated in the text

The writer of this response focuses on the environment, commenting that it will use a lot of valuable oil to fly to New Zealand to watch the World Cup:

  •  ニュージーランドまでひこうきで来ると、せきゆをたくさん使って、にさんかたんそをたくさん出すことになる。

The writer offers a suggestion for offsetting damage to the environment:

  • きっぷのお金をはらう時に、木をうえるためのお金もはらうべきだと思う。

In their conclusion, the writer reiterates their viewpoint concerning the environment:

  • かんきょうのことも かんがえた方がいい。

How the writer explores the views of others

The writer picks up on one point and raises a concern:

  • ぼくにとって一番(いちばん)しんぱいなことは.

The above point may appear to be a tangent, but blogs offer people the opportunity to ask unexpected questions and explore topics from different angles.

How the writer develops and shares personal perspectives

The writer expresses concerns:

  • ひこうきで来ると、せきゆをたくさん使って、にさんかたんそをたくさん出すことになる。

Expressions such as なければならない and べき carry strong, emotive feelings.

How the writer justifies their own ideas and opinions

The writer appeals to readers’ emotions and implores them to think about the issue on a different level:

  • 1人1人がみんなせきにんをとらなければならない。かんきょうのこともかんがえた方がいい。

How the writer supports or challenges the ideas and opinions of others

The writer’s use of emotive language will either support or challenge the views of readers, depending on their viewpoint.

The writer acknowledges the importance of world events such as the Rugby World Cup:

  • 色々な国の人が あつまることはいいことだが、

The writer offers a compromise:

  • きっぷのお金をはらう時に、木をうえるためのお金もはらうべきだと思う。

Strong, emotive words such as べき can challenge readers, especially those with a differing opinion.

How linguistic meaning is conveyed across languages

In Japanese culture, people are not normally as direct as in English-speaking cultures. But べき and なければならない are quite direct and emotive. Explore when it is acceptable to use such phrases.

How language is used in the text to expresses cultural meanings

Explore せきにん (responsibility) and words that contain the せき kanji(), for example責任者(せきにんしゃ) (person in charge) and 責任感(せきにんかん) (sense of responsibility).

Opportunities for developing intercultural communicative competence

Investigate how kanji are constructed. For example, has the radical , and radicals can sometimes give guidance as to the meaning of a kanji.

Investigate attitudes in Japan and in New Zealand towards particular environmental issues, and the practices associated with them. What are the similarities and differences?

How would students apply the knowledge they gained from this research to their understanding of texts in Japanese (written, visual, oral)?

Last updated March 27, 2013
