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Spanish context elaborations

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Achievement objectives

AOs: L6

AOs: L7

AOs: L8


Cook Islands Māori


Gagana Sāmoa





Vagahau Niue



Assessment for qualifications:

Spanish L6: Example 3

Example 3: What holiday would suit?

Si tienes la oportunidad de viajar a cualquier sitio para pasar las vacaciones, ¿Adónde vas a ir? Contesta a las preguntas y descubre tu lugar ideal.

1. ¿Dónde prefieres pasar las vacaciones?

a) en la montaña
b) en la costa
c) en la ciudad
d) en el campo

2. ¿Te gustaría …

a) esquiar?
b) practicar deportes acuáticos?
c) ver monumentos históricos?
d) hacer una caminata?

3. ¿Eres una persona …

a) aventurera?
b) atlética?
c) romántica?
d) tranquila?

4. ¿Con quién prefieres pasar tu tiempo libre?

a) ¿con amigos?
b) ¿con familia?
c) ¿con tu novio/a?
d) ¿solo/a?

5. ¿Qué estación del año te gusta más?

a) ¿el invierno?
b) ¿el verano?
c) ¿la primavera?
d) ¿el otoño?


  • Si has marcado más la letra (a) vas a ir a los Pirineos.
  • Si has marcado más la letra (b) recomendamos la Costa del Sol.
  • Si has marcado más la letra (c) creemos que debes ir a Granada.
  • Si has marcado más la letra (d) ¡pasa unos días en el Camino de Santiago!

Context and text type

A survey (written or oral) of holiday preferences.

Text type

Survey. Receptive.

Observations a student might make concerning:

Information, ideas and opinions communicated in the text

The survey uses the immediate future tense to communicate information about holiday intentions:

  •  ¿Adónde vas a ir?

It uses the conditional tense to communicate desires for future holidays:

  •  ¿Te gustaría esquiar?

It uses a series of questions as is typical of this genre:

  • ¿Dónde prefieres pasar las vacaciones?

It provides immediate feedback to respondents:

  • Si has marcado más la letra (d) ¡pasa unos días en el Camino de Santiago!

How the writer expresses personal ideas and opinions

The suggestions for holiday destinations are clearly the survey writer’s personal choices, for example:

  • Si has marcado más la letra (b) recomendamos la Costa del Sol.

Another writer may have selected different destinations.

The survey writer has also chosen the questions. Another writer may have included different questions.

How the writer communicates appropriately in the situation

The writer uses the conditional tense to communicate that the survey is about a future, as yet unrealised, experience:

  • ¿Te gustaría ver monumentos históricos?

They use the conditional tense to communicate desires about future holidays:

  • Me gustaría hacer una caminata.

They use motivational techniques to encourage readers to answer the survey. They ask a question to get readers thinking:

  • Si tienes la oportunidad de viajar a cualquier sitio para pasar las vacaciones, ¿Adónde vas a ir?

Then, they suggest how readers can find answers to the question:

  • Contesta a las preguntas y descubre tu lugar ideal.

How the language in the text is organised for the writer’s purpose

The survey writer uses simple, direct language to make it easy for respondents:

  • (¿Te gustaría) practicar deportes acuáticos?

The survey is organised as a kind of an adventure, with a surprise or promise at the end:

  • Contesta a las preguntas y descubre tu lugar ideal.

By participating in the survey, respondents not only discover a destination, they also learn about themselves. They make these discoveries through what can be understood as a silent conversation: the survey asks a question and the reader responds, constructing self-knowledge as they interact with the text.

The writer uses the familiar pronoun 'tú' in the survey. This establishes a more intimate connection between the person asking the questions and those responding to them; for example:

  • ¿Te gustaría esquiar?

Opportunities for developing intercultural communicative competence

Students may or may not know the holiday destinations suggested in the survey. They could investigate these and find out why they are so popular. They could suggest destinations in the South Pacific for New Zealanders who prefer to holiday reasonably close to home. Why would they choose these particular destinations?

Students could investigate other surveys in Spanish, noting the format, the language used, and topics. Students could then design their own surveys in Spanish on a topic of their choice, for example, food, sports, or healthy lifestyle choices, and ask their classmates to respond to them, either orally or in writing.

Last updated January 16, 2013
