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Why study home economics?

Home economics supports the curriculum’s vision for our young people.

In the context of food and family, students will:

  • develop the values, knowledge, and competencies to live full and satisfying lives
  • grow into confident, connected, actively involved, lifelong learners, ready to contribute to the future of New Zealand.

Students are empowered to become informed members of their communities, developing the skills to live independently and with others.

Students learn about nutrition and health-related issues that influence the well-being of individuals, whānau, families, communities, and their environment.

They also explore actions that can improve the well-being of themselves and others.

Learning in home economics

Drives academic and applied knowledge

Students explore the food system, from its origins to the market. They research topics related to nutrition and ethical food issues, such as multinational food production and health-enhancing nutritional innovations. These include aspects of the safe storage, preparation, and handling of food.

They learn to evaluate evidence using data, surveys, and statistics to make informed decisions about food choices and to develop cooking skills based on factors such as nutrition, economics, culture, ethics, and sustainability.

Students inquire into the diverse cultures that contribute to New Zealand’s unique food heritage, and also consider global phenomena that are shaping food choices and eating habits.

They apply their knowledge in practical settings by, for example, hosting a Polynesian festival in their community, or helping inform the food choices of their families and communities.

Develops food preparation skills

Students develop skills in food preparation. Real-life contexts in school and in homes provide springboards for learning. Students demonstrate the knowledge they have acquired about such things as preparing food for people with different dietary needs or different ethnic backgrounds, and cooking food that is ethical and ecologically sustainable.

Triggers thinking and action to create change

Students learn how critical and reflective thinking about current social issues contributes to informed choices about food and nutrition and enables optimum health.

By taking health-promoting actions, students learn to:

  • live full, healthy, and satisfying lives
  • become active and informed citizens when living independently or with others.

Students experience ways to have a positive impact in their local community, for example, by making Christmas food gifts for their local hospice or food bank.

Creates learning pathways

Home economics provides vocational and learning pathways for future nutritionists, dietitians, policy advisers, medical professionals, early childhood educators, home economics teachers, university lecturers, food technologists, food writers, food stylists, health practitioners, researchers, food product developers, chefs, hotel management, and sports nutritionists.

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Last updated August 13, 2013
