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Designing and developing digital outcomes progress outcomes

The progress outcomes describe the significant learning steps that students take as they develop their expertise in computational thinking for digital technologies.


  • Curriculum levels have been marked on the diagram below to show the alignment between levels 1-5 of the New Zealand Curriculum (NZC) and the progress outcomes.
  • The uneven spacing between progress outcomes reflects the different amount of learning and time required between them and means that relationship between levels and progress outcomes is not direct.
  • The highest three progress outcomes are directly aligned to NZC levels 6-8 as they set out the learning that is expected for those students engaging in more intensive and specialised digital technologies programmes for NCEA levels 1, 2 and 3. 

Designing and developing digital outcomes progress outcomes

Progress outcome 1

participate in teacher-led activities to develop, manipulate, store, retrieve and share digital content in order to meet a technological challenge. In doing so, they can identify digital devices and their purposes, and know that humans made them. They know how to use some applications. Students can identify the inputs and outputs of a system and understand that digital devices store content and that it can be retrieved later.

Progress Outcome 2

when given some parameters/criteria and tools and/or techniques, are able to make decisions about creating, manipulating, storing, retrieving, sharing and/or testing digital content for a specific purpose. Students understand that digital devices have an impact on humans and society and that both the devices and their impact change over time. They can identify the specific role of components in a simple input, process, output system and how they work together and recognise the "control" role that humans have in this system. Students can select from an increasing range of applications and file types to develop an outcome for a particular purpose.

Progress outcome 3

follow a defined process to design, develop, store, test and evaluate digital content to address a given context or issue, taking into account the immediate social, ethical and end-user considerations. They identify the key features of selected software and select the most appropriate software and file types to develop and combine digital content. They understand the role of operating systems in managing digital devices, security, and application software and are able to apply conventions of file management, using a range of storage devices. They understand that with storing data comes the responsibility for security and privacy.

Progress outcome 4

investigate and consider possible solutions to a given context or issue. With ongoing support, students use an iterative process to design, develop, store and test a digital outcome. Students identify and evaluate social, ethical and end-user considerations that are relevant to the outcome. They use information gained from testing and apply appropriate tools, techniques, procedures and/or protocols to improve the quality of the outcome and to ensure it meets the purpose and end-user requirements.

Progress outcome 5

with support, investigate a specialised digital technologies area (digital media, digital information, electronic environments, user experience design, and digital systems) and propose possible solutions. Students independently apply an iterative process to design, develop, store and test digital outcomes. They identify, evaluate, prioritise and respond to social, ethical and end-user considerations that are relevant to the outcome. Students use information gained from testing and demonstrate increased confidence in optimising tools, techniques, procedures and/or protocols to improve the quality of the outcomes. Students apply evaluative processes to ensure the outcome meets the purpose and end-user requirements.

Progress outcome 6

independently investigate a specialised digital technologies area and propose possible solutions. Students work independently or within collaborative, cross-functional teams to effectively apply a refined, iterative development process to plan, design, develop/test and create quality, fit-for-purpose digital outcomes that meet requirements. They will synthesise social, ethical and end-user considerations that are relevant to the outcome when developing digital content.

The outcomes students develop will integrate specialised knowledge of digital applications and systems from a range of areas, including network architecture; complex electronics environments and embedded systems; interrelated computing devices, hardware and applications; digital information systems; user experience design; complex management of digital information; and creative digital media.

Last updated April 29, 2019
