Resource sheet - Measuring with digital pictures
1. Find the height and width of the text book.
text book
2. Find the height and width of the sunrise box.
Sunrise box
3. Find the length and width of the keyboard.
4. Find the height of the fire extinguisher.
5. Find the height and width of the ends of the storage cupboards.
6. Find the length and width of the tissue box.
tissue box
7. Find the volume of this tissue box.
tissue box1
tissue box2
tissue box 3
- Gift card: 85mm by 54mm
- Links book: 19cm by 24.5cm
- Sunrise box: 23cm by 18cm
- Keyboard: 45.8cm by 16.3cm
- Fire extinguisher: 31cm for the cylindrical bit, 42.4cm to top of handle
- Cupboard ends: 92.8cm by 77.1cm
- Tissue office max: 11.7cm by 22.6cm
- Tissue gold flowers: Side- 21.2cm by 10cm, end 11.4cm by 10cm.
Last updated November 18, 2010