What has changed in the English curriculum?
Re-framing English
The English learning area of The New Zealand Curriculum has made explicit the move towards shared understandings and the importance of genuine personal response.
Two strands
English has been re-framed into two strands:
- making meaning (listening, reading, and viewing)
- creating meaning (speaking, writing, and presenting).
Within each strand, the curriculum sets out the knowledge and skills expected of students at each level. These are expressed as achievement objectives.
Each strand identifies expected processes and strategies students will use. (The processes and strategies section is highlighted in purple in the curriculum document.)
The indicators in the processes and strategies section demonstrate progression from one curriculum level to the next and the requirement for akonga (learners) to engage with increasingly sophisticated ideas, texts, and skills.
The curriculum places a strong emphasis on how these processes and strategies work within and across both strands.
This reframing also allows for a more holistic and integrated notion of texts.
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Last updated July 9, 2012