English in the National Curriculum
English teaching is guided by the National Curriculum, which is made up of two documents - The New Zealand Curriculum for English-medium schools and Te Marautanga o Aotearoa for Māori-medium schools (PDF 2MB).
Te Tiriti o Waitangi is central to both documents.
English teachers recognise and affirm the principles of the treaty, our bicultural heritage, the multicultural nature of New Zealand, and our place in the Pacific. They address the needs of every student in all circumstances.
The English learning area of The New Zealand Curriculum affirms the identity of akonga (learners) and places them at the centre of all teaching and learning. The curriculum vision, values, principles, and key competencies are integral to the planning and delivery of English programmes.
The te reo Pākehā learning area of Te Marautanga o Aotearoa presents the English language as a tool for communicating and expressing thought, social interaction, and academic learning. It supports the learning of Māori language as the primary language of instruction in Māori medium schools.
The te reo Pākehā learning area recognises that English is not a foreign language for young people in Māori-medium schools. For some, English will be their first language.
The vast majority of akonga in Māori-medium settings are proficient speakers of English. Akonga will be building on prior language knowledge that will enable them to develop as bilingual learners.
Last updated September 12, 2017