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Text version of teaching as inquiry diagram

This is a flow chart diagram in the shape of a rectangle, and headed: 'Teaching as inquiry'.

Working clockwise, and starting at the top right, there are two overlapping ovals, one contains the word: 'Teaching', the other contains the word: 'Learning'. There is one arrow going from the middle of these two ovals, pointing down to the bottom right to an oval containing the heading: 'Learning Inquiry', followed by the words: 'What happened as a result of the teaching, and what are the implications for future teaching?'

From this oval there are two lines ending in arrows. One line has the words along it: 'Is there something I need to change?' and ends in an arrow and an oval in the top left of the flow chart. The other line has the words along it: 'What are the next steps for learning?' and ends in an arrow and an oval at the bottom left of the flow chart.

The oval at the bottom left of the flow chart has the heading: 'Focusing Inquiry', followed by the words: 'What is important (and therefore worth spending time on), given where my students are at?' A line goes from the top of this oval to the bottom of the next oval, which is at the top left.

The oval at the top left of the flow chart has the heading: 'Teaching Inquiry', followed by the words: 'What strategies (evidence-based) are most likely to help my students learn this?' An arrow then leads on to the ovals 'Teaching' and 'Learning'.

Last updated January 30, 2012
