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Diagram has two text boxes of data on the left and three dot plots on the right. 

Each text box has one column of data. Left hand column is labelled Length and right hand one is labelled Re-sample. Length data is listed: 200, 222, 225, 196, 188, 205, 208, 225, 197, 188, 214, 204, 224, 215, 224, 228, 208, 197, 197, 198, 229, 233, 228, 170, 217. Re-sample data is listed: 208, 197, 188, 200, 214, 204, 204, 188, 214, 217, 208, 215, 224, 217, 228, 205, 233, 228, 208, 224, 205, 233, 205, 200, 208.

All plots have horizontal axes labelled 170 – 230.

Top dot plot is labelled Sample and is plot of the left hand column on data. A box plot of this data is below the dot plot. Left hand whisker starts at 170 and goes to lower quartile, 197, median is at 208, upper quartile at 224, and right hand whisker ends at 233. Mean of the lengths is shown by a purple vertical line with its value, 209.60 written below the line. 

Middle plot is labelled Re-sample and shows the dots for the data in the Re-sample column. The dots start at 188, and end at 233 and are approximately uniformly distributed. The mean, 211, is shown by a blue vertical line, but the value is not written. There is no box plot.

The third plot, labelled Bootstrap distribution is blank. 

Last updated September 24, 2013
