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Randomisation text alt text 4

Graph is labelled Re-randomisation distribution. The horizontal axis is labelled from -3 to 3. It is a dot plot of the differences in the medians of 1000 re-randomisations. The plot has columns of grey dots, from approximately – 1.8 to 1.8. The graph is symmetrical and looks like a bell except the middle three columns (-0.12, 0, 0.12) are approximately 1/5 of the height of the bars immediately on the left and the right. 

There is a red arrow on the horizontal axis from 0 – 1.12. This is the difference in medians of the original data. There is a vertical line on 1.12 and beside it is written 58/1000 = 0.058, which is the proportion of dots above 1.12. Dots to the left of 1.12 are light grey and dots to the right of 1.12 are dark grey. 

Last updated September 24, 2013
