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Achievement grades at level 3

Sample question

Evaluate two strategies that the management at Classic Woollens could employ to overcome the resistance to change. In your answer:

  • explain TWO change management strategies that could be implemented in the design department
  • fully explain the possible impacts of these strategies on the performance of the department by explaining ONE positive and ONE negative outcome of each strategy
  • provide a justified conclusion as to which would be the more effective strategy.


Explaining: Students give reasons for the statement/description.

  • State what the answer is to the question asked, then
  • Expand by giving the reason(s) why the what occurs or links ideas to provide a coherent rationale.

Example (Part answer given)

Management may use an inclusive change management approach and allow employees to have input into the change process.  This may result in a wider range of ideas and better acceptance by the design department reducing the resistance to change.


Fully explaining: Students develop their explanation with further expansion of how the situation/action could impact on potential business or stakeholder goals, or a particular outcome. This will generally relate to effects, advantages, disadvantages, and/or consequences.

  • State what the answer is to the question asked, then
  • Expand by giving the reason(s) why the what occurs or links ideas to provide a coherent rationale. 
  • Support the reason(s) with examples(s) or information that relates to effects, advantages, disadvantages, and/or consequences. Show how the effects, advantages, disadvantages, and/or consequences contribute to a particular outcome or business or stakeholder goals.

Example (Part answer given)

Management may use an inclusive change management approach and allow employees to have input into the change process.  This may result in a wider range of ideas and better acceptance by the design department reducing the resistance to change. An inclusive change management approach may take longer, because staff will need to be consulted at regular intervals. This may impact negatively on expenses and short-term profitability as there may be some disruption to the design process or services, with additional meetings required. However, the staff feels more valued because they are being consulted. This may lead to increased motivation resulting in better performance and will eliminate the resistance to change which Classic Woollens is experiencing.


Evaluating: Students examine in detail by comparing and contrasting or identifying relationships to explain the impacts, effects and consequences of interacting factors in the business, strategic responses or solutions, and to provide a justified recommendation or draw justified conclusions on the significance or likely success of the factors/responses/ solutions.

  • State what the answer is to the question asked, then
  • Expand by giving the reason(s) why the what occurs or links ideas to provide a coherent rationale.
  • Support the reason(s) with examples(s) or information that relates to effects, advantages, disadvantages, and/or consequences. Show how the effects, advantages, disadvantages, and/or consequences contribute to a particular outcome or business or stakeholder goals.
  • Weigh-up the advantages and disadvantages of the course of action and/or compare and contrast the alternative courses of action to justify with relevant evidence the course of action chosen. This should include reference to alternative courses of action or new information to further support the decision that has not already been established in earlier parts of the question, such as long term impact or sustainability of the business.


Management may use an inclusive change management approach and allow employees to have input into the change process.  This may result in a wider range of ideas and better acceptance by the design department reducing the resistance to change. An inclusive change management approach may take longer, because staff will need to be consulted at regular intervals. This may impact negatively on expenses and short-term profitability as there may be some disruption to the design process or services, with additional meetings required. However, the staff feels more valued because they are being consulted. This may lead to increased motivation resulting in better performance and will eliminate the resistance to change which Classic Woollens is experiencing.

Another change management strategy is a top-down change management strategy, with an autocratic leadership style used, where management will exercise clear authority to reduce resistance to change. With an autocratic leadership style, change at Classic Woollens will occur faster, as there is less need to discuss issues with the design department. This could mean the business will return to full production levels more quickly. However, a top-down approach may lead to cost-effective ideas from the design department being neglected, and face further resistance from demotivated staff who may feel that they are not being listened to.

An inclusive approach to change management should be chosen. Although it may take longer, the design department will feel more valued and be motivated to make the change successful for Classic Woollens. In the longer term, the motivation and acceptance from staff will improve productivity leading to longer term sustainability.

Last updated February 5, 2015
