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Achievement objective 6-3: Fields

 Students will gain knowledge, skills, and experience to:

  • describe a field of psychology in a real life context.

Possible contexts

Possible contexts include the following:

  • How have the 2010–11 Christchurch earthquakes affected the well-being and resilience of people in Canterbury?
  • How do kōhanga reo influence the development and identity of tamariki?
  • How can psychological concepts be applied to sports teams?
  • What do people do when they see a stranger being attacked?

Assessment for qualifications

Learning in relation to this objective can be assessed using psychology achievement standards or relevant achievement standards from other subjects or learning areas. The standards selected should connect with a holistic learning programme that meets the needs of your students. Possible standards include:

  • 91842 Psychology – Demonstrate understanding of how theory is used in fields of psychological practice

Please ensure that you are using the correct version of the achievement standards by going to the NZQA website.

Last updated November 16, 2017
